The New York Flute Club is the oldest continuously operating flute club in the world. They will be celebrating their 100th anniversary on the last day of this year. Started by the eminent flutist/composer/conductor Georges Barrère, the Club functions in many capacities: great flute artists are presented in recital throughout the year; there is an annual Flute Fair; ensemble programs and competitions are sponsored throughout the year; a monthly newsletter is sent to all members; educational & enrichment programs are supported within the greater NYC area; new flute music is commissioned; and various publications and recordings are made available. Included among the performers on this year’s concert series are Aaron Goldman (principal flute-National Symphony), Karl-Heinz Schütz (principal flute-Vienna Philharmonic), and Jeffrey Khaner (principal flute-Philadelphia Orchestra). This year’s Flute Fair is on Sunday, March 17, 2019 from 8:30am—8:00pm at Columbia University. The featured artist will be Jeffrey Khaner: Annual membership in the club is $70, $40 for students & seniors.
The New York Flute Club
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